
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Neil Erasmus: Doyen Woodworker
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Neil Erasmus is already well known to you if you work in wood because he has probably taught you or you've read one of his many articles on the craft.
Neil is a 3rd generation crafts-person. He grew up in South Africa during the last decades of Apartheid and emigrated to Australia with his wife Pam (also a amazing crafts-person) about 40 years ago.
We discuss growing up in South Africa and Neil's feelings about it (compare and contrast with Will Matthysen's episode).
Neil has recently "retired" and moved closer to Perth, Australia. We discuss the idea of retirement and what that might entail.
Neil is a beautiful human being and it was a pleasure talking with him about his life.
Please enjoy this episode.

Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Shima Gholami: Scholar and Curator at Golestan Palace
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Shima Gholami Scholar
Shima is a lifelong scholar specializing in cultural stuff. She was born and raised in Iran and was a curator at the Golestan Palace in Tehran before emigrating to Australia where she is completing a PhD.
We talk about what it is like growing up in Iran and the cultural similarities/differences between Australia and Iran.
Our news, media feeds and presidents indicate that Iran is our enemy. Except Iran has maintained an extremely rich and sophisticated culture for many thousands of years.
For context we discuss the history of Iran / Persia. Very basically: pre-Islam and post-Islam..... More importantly for our Western interests: pre and post WW2, and especially post Islamic Revolution.
Shima and I were introduced to each other by Guildhouse for a project connecting migrant craftspeople with Australian artists. We ran a wood inlay workshop together and created SUN: an artwork neither of us could have produced alone. Collaborations are awesome! SUN is for sale at Bungendore Wood Works Gallery NSW, Australia. https://bwoodworks.com.au/
Shima is totally gentle and is not political. We didn't discuss politics. This podcast is about bringing people and cultures together.
Shima and I have never discussed this, but I personally encourage everyone to check out Mohammad Mosaddegh's story. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohammad_Mosaddegh
At the end of our conversation you can enjoy some Iranian music: 2 contemporary and 2 traditional pieces.
1. Salar Aghili - Sarve Zire Ab
2. Homayoun Shajarian - Sarnevesht
3. Kayhan Kalhor & M.R. Shajarian - Festive Occasion
4. Kayhan Kalhor & M.R. Shajarian - Instrument and Vocal (Poem by Baba Tahor)
More Music:
Guitarists take note!!!
Golestan palace:
official website archived
Persian Rug collection example
The book we discuss from Manus Island:
Behrouz Boochani "No Friend but the Mountains"
A Separation - a movie we discuss
SUN. Colaboration: Shima Gholami and Adrian Potter
Golestan Palace - Mirror Room

Thursday Sep 10, 2020
Margaret Dodd
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
Margaret Dodd is an artist well known for her ceramic cars.
She graduated from the University of California, Davis in 1968.
Margaret is also a movie maker and her film "This Woman is Not a Car" has been recently acquired by the Art Gallery of South Australia.
We talk about the meanings behind her work and why she does it. Margaret has a strong political outlook and we talk about that too.
Margaret Dodd is one of our wise elders.
Check out her exhibition at the Art Gallery of South Australia if you can.
Thank you Andrew Bunney for connecting Margaret to the Revolution.
Margaret Dodd and her work The Fossil, Greg Weight, 2002 ©
Reproduction of This Woman is Not a Car screenprint poster, Jan Mackay, 1981
Holden with Hair Curlers, Bridal Holden, Ravaged Holden from This Woman is Not a Car series, Margaret Dodd, 1977
Hoon Holden, ceramic car, Margaret Dodd, 1977

Friday Aug 14, 2020
Don Morrison: A Very Modest Gentleman, Musician and Guitar Maker
Friday Aug 14, 2020
Friday Aug 14, 2020
Don Morrison is a super nice bloke. Extremely modest and very talented.
Don makes extraordinary metal body resonator guitars from bits of old galvanized iron sheets. Check out the Perponda guitar .
These instruments have a deep cultural heritage and abound with stories.
Don has released 15 albums so far with a double album on the way to mark his 40 years of playing music.
I recommend his book: This Could Be Big, Forty Years at the Dag End of the Australian Music Industry.
Quotes: "Playing (music) live is like meditation or mindfulness - the next day - even if it was a moderately successful gig - that's when I feel most relaxed"
"These day's I'm better at doing what I'm better at, and eliminating things that I do that aren't very good"

Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Andy Rasheed: Photographer, Musician, Small Drum Revolution
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Andy Rasheed is a photographer and artist who has just launched Small Drum Revolution.
We talk about all sorts of things including his pathway to professional photography via his Band failing to make it big in Sydney.
Check out Andy's percussion instruments and lap steel guitars - he has some ideas and innovations that bring benefits you can see, hear and feel.
Always: thanks for listening. Cheers

Sunday Jul 26, 2020
Mark Thomson: Designer, Author, Storyteller, Advanced Research Director IBYS
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
Mark Thomson is a super interesting bloke.
He is author of many books including: Blokes and Sheds, Rare Trades, Makers Breakers & Fixers.
Mark is a great storyteller and a curious and generous soul.

Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Patrick Hall: Artist
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Patrick Hall is an Artist.
His work is insanely awesome! While they are often cabinets (even functional) Patrick layers meaning and stories all over them. Literally.
He invites us into a space where time can slow down and where we may see the world anew.
Patrick also tells a poetic story about 2/3's in.
Please enjoy this conversation with an amazing man.

Sunday Jun 14, 2020
Karim Haddad: Tool and Knife Maker. Teacher
Sunday Jun 14, 2020
Sunday Jun 14, 2020
Karim Haddad runs Tharwa Valley Forge and owns Cuppacumbalong in a small village just outside Canberra called Tharwa.
Karim's enterprise and life is inspiring. Tharwa Valley Forge has well over 200 classes a year, employs numerous skills craftspeople and facilitates 1000's of people to be creative.
I absolutely recommend taking a class out there - they know what they're doing and why!
Also support the Cuppacumbalong Foundation: https://cuppacumbalongfoundation.org.au/en

Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Kevin Murray: A Dialogue
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Kevin Murray is a Knowledge Worker.
Kevin has been at the forefront of Craft theory and curatorial endeavors for decades. He is editor of Garland Magazine - I recommend Garland, follow the link below.
This podcast is a dialogue. We discuss the Covid 19 lockdown and how there may be pros and cons coming out of the situation we find ourselves in (June 2020).
Thanks for listening, I really appreciate it as always.
Stay Healthy and remember: all creativity is colour blind.
The Revolution will never have prejudice.

Sunday May 24, 2020
Peter Korn. “Why We Make Things and Why It Matters”
Sunday May 24, 2020
Sunday May 24, 2020
Peter Korn, is the Founder and Academic Director of The Centre for Furniture Craftsmanship (Maine, US).
He is also author of a number of books including “Why We Make Things and Why it Matters”
Peter and I discuss the primary theme in his book: How to Live a Good Life.
As you would expect Peter has some profound ideas on the subject.
It was an honour and privilege to talk to Peter.
Please enjoy our chat.
Here is a movie about Peter